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TraceSELECT™ Honeywell brand reagents


Ultra pure reagents for voltammetry

traceselect-imgVoltammetry is mainly used for inorganic analysis of anions and cations, but can also be used for the determination of various organic compounds. The most important application fields of inorganic determinations are metallurgy, environmental, food, toxicology and clinical analysis. This technique is also a preferred method for the determination of some metal species, such as Fe(II)/Fe(III) or Cr(III)/Cr(VI).

Solvents for trace metal analysis
TraceSELECT™ solvents for LC-ICP-MS applications

Honeywell has developed high purity TraceSELECT™ solvents for LC-ICP-MS analysis.
This is followed by UV spectroscopy, IC and ICP-MS testing to ensure high chemical purity and high UV transmittance. The blank values for metal traces in these solvents are in the ppb range or lower.

International trends show the speciation of metals as an area of high research interest. In the future, speciation of biological samples will undoubtedly result in the need to identify which organic molecules attract which metals into specific sample types. ICP-MS is a superior detection technique for trace elements in general, but above all for elements of interest, such as arsenic, selenium, cadmium, iodine and others in chromatographic eluents.

Sample preparation for trace analysis
TraceSELECT™ Ultra and TraceSELECT™
Ultra pure acids, bases and salts for fusion and wet digestion in environmental, water and food analysis.

Sample preparation for trace analysis requires of the top purity reagents.
The TraceSELECT™ Ultra products for ultrasonic analysis at ppb and even ppt levels are produced by sub-boiling distillation.
Sub-boiling is recognized as the best way to obtain high purity acids. The technique is based on the evaporation of the liquid by infrared heating on the surface.
To maintain their purity, TraceSELECT™ Ultra products are supplied in PTFE PFA (fluoropolymer) bottles. Water and ortho-phosphoric acid are supplied in pre-heated HDPE bottles.
TraceSELECT™ acids, bases and salts have been developed for sample preparation and analysis in the ppb trace range (μg/kg).

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